Ball check valve with FEP/PFA lining, with or without sightglass
DIN-EN: DN 15 – 250 / PN 10 – 40
ASME: NPS 1“ – 4“ / class 150

Design Features
Design Characteristics
• temeratur range up to 150°C (Type GLOBUS) / 130°C (Type GLOBUS-SG)
• Borosilikat sightglass for visual function control (Type GLOBUS-SG)
• FFEP or PFA lining (3 m min.)
After the check valve in flow direction the pipe-DN must correspond to the check valve-DN. Recommendation for vertical type: DELTA. When vertically installed (=0°) resp. (up to 60° angle) ball ceck valves close automatically, because ball is guided in the centre of the bore. When horizontally installed (=90°) resp. (up to 30°) the valves close automatically if the back flow related water is 1,5 – 2,5 m/sec
• Ductile cast iron ENJS 1049, ASTM Gr 60-40-18 / A395
Special materials
• Carbon Steel 1.0619 / ASTM A216 WCB
• Stainless steel 1.4308 / ASTM A351 CF8M
• Unalloyed stainless steel casting (low Temp.) 1.1138 / LCC/LCB / A352
• Borosilikat
Lining materials
• Body: PFA, PFA-conductive, FEP